2 Tbps

Espanix has achieved something which we would never have thought of in its origins: Overcoming the two-terabyte barrier.

It all started in the COVID pandemic, which represented a paradigm shift in our society and caused large-scale changes.

Among these changes, the technology sector was no exception, generating an increase in Internet consumption like we had not seen until then.

ESpanix was able to cope with this increase, thanks to always having large excess capacity in its network, in anticipation of this type of circumstances.

Since then, we have expanded the trunks between Datacenters to 1 Tbps, the switching matrices, multiplied the number of available ports, and we have organized the provision of 400 Gbps links.

This effort has been rewarded by the trust of our clients, and has allowed us to reach the figure of 2 Tbps.

We hope to continue growing and expanding our services for many more years.