Benefits Characteristics Services Presence ESpanix Reach Resellers Prices Contact

Benefits of connecting to ESpanix

The connection to our exchange infrastructure in the datacenters in which ESpanix is present, from Europe through ESpanix Reach or through our resellers, provides the best interconnection benefits:

Control Increase

The advanced peering policies allow to control with precision the traffic exchanges with all the peers who are present in ESpanix.

Cost Reduction

The direct transit without intermediaries reduces the Internet access costs, concentrating a greater traffic volume in a single port.

Latency Improvement

The local and direct interconnection reduces the propagation delays and the network jumps, reducing the global latency and providing a better user experience.


The local interconection reduces the failure points to destinies, offering an inferior attack surface against external threats.

Additionaly, it reduces the regulatory risk that comes with multinational transits which have different norms and requirements.


ESpanix has a completely redundant infrastructure, with two exchange networks that are totally isolated from each other, being prepared to endure the total failure of each one of them.

Additionally, the essential services are replicated in multiple datacenters, in order to prevent local faults.


The route diversification and the local interconnetions reduce the restoration times against critical incidents.

The ESpanix tecnical team is prepared and has demonstrated its reaction capacity against crisis, when our clients´ services had to be restored.

In addition to the previous benefits, ESpanix presents a strong commitment to the connection security and prevention against critical threats such as cyberattacks and security breaches, being an active member in the global MANRS initiative. MANRS

Internet Exchange Point´s characteristics

ESpanix´s Internet Exchange Point service (IXP) features the following:

  • 1G, 10G, 100G and 400G port connection with monomode fiber.
  • Possibility of adding ports.
  • Each port´s all physical capacity availability.
  • Switches with a capacity of more than 40Tbps per electronic equipment.
  • Two exchange networks which are isolated completely from each other, with complete redundancy.
  • More than 200 operators present in the exchange networks.
  • Presence in the main Madrid datacenters, with a transparent connection among all of them.
  • Interconnection between all datacenters, with redundant dark fibers and diversified routes.
  • More than 300Tbps of interconnection capacity between datacenters (more than 6Tbps illuminated already).



ESpanix offers an added value services complete package inside its interconnection system:

  • DNS services
    • 6 available root servers

      In the interconnection network, the root servers D, E, F and K are directly available.

      The L and M servers are directly accesible throught peers.

      All of them reduce the latency in the name resolutions and improve the user experience in the service use via Internet.

    • Public recursive resolvers

      The server is directly connected to the ESpanix interconnection network, while the and the servers are directly accessible through peers.

      These servers´ users will see that the response times for their name resolution queries are reduced.

    • Internal DNS resolution (AS112)

      The AS112 service, provided by ESpanix, gives response to private network resolution petitions that shouldn´t go out to the Global Internet, but they end up doing it because of configuration errors.

      These consults can put at risk the company or private networks, spreading private information, overloading the root severs and slowering down the local traffic response times.

      ESpanix responds to those requests to limit their propagation and possible damage.

  • Route management services
    • Route Servers

      ESpanix provides redundant route-server in both interconnection networks to simplify the prefix exange between the different peers and speeding up the new connection registration.

      The route-servers offer a prefix validation functionality set, filtering and priorizing through BGP communities to offer a complete flexibility to customers at the time of establishing their routing policies.

    • Route validation (RPKI)

      ESpanix validates, both in its border routers and in the route-servers, the prefixes which receives from the different peers, classifying them according to the prefix asignation data in the RIRs, as well as in the peering relations that are declared between ASs.

      The notices that are sent from route-servers are conveniently identified, so that peers can act on them, following their own policies.

    • Black-Holing

      Both route-servers and the direct peering sesions, which are established through ESpanix switches, have a black-holing service at their disposal, which enables unwanted traffic to be discarded before ir congests the destination port, allowing problems to be mitigated, such as DDoS attacks.

  • Time services
    • Public NTP stratum 1

      NTP stratum 1 servers available to the public.

      Because of the public network variability, the service is provided without service level guarantees.

    • Private NTP stratum 1

      NTP stratum 1 redunded servers which are accesible from a private network, with service level guarantees.

    • PTP grandmaster

      PTP Grandmaster servers which are accesible from a private network, with and service level guarantees, for applications in which precisions that are inferior to the microsecond are required.

  • Diagnostic services
    • Node performance

      ESpanix continuously monitors all its infrastructure and offers the aggregated data publicly.

    • Looking Glass

      ESpanix´s Looking Glass allows the route notices´s verification and offers a priviledged point of view to check its propagation.

    • Speed Test

      ESpanix provides a conectivity performance verification tool, to facilitate the identification and resolution of bottlenecks.

  • Private interconnection services

    ESpanix offers, apart from public exchange, private interconnections for especial services between clients who are located in any of the datacenters in which ESpanix is present.

    These interconnections can be done quickly for short term or long term needs, in ports from 1G to 400G.

ESpanix Reach

ESpanix Reach

Peering ports are available in multiple locations across Europe without requiring a point of presence in the Iberian peninsula, thanks to our agreements with ESpanix partners.

Service characteristics are:

  • Connections through 10G, 100G and 400G ports.
  • Full port bandwidth available.
  • Unrestricted ESpanix access, being able to peer with most of Iberian peninsula operators.

Service includes ports in the cities illustrated in the map, all of them at the same price, transport to Madrid and peering port.

For more information regarding specific locations within each city, or service availability in other locations, please reach out to us through the contact form.



If you aren´t located in one of the datacenters where ESpanix is available, the following operators can provide connectivity from your location:


Reseller list in JSON


PortAnnual priceESpanix Reach
1G1.800 € 1N/A
10G7.200 €12.000 €
100G28.800 €41.000 €
400G86.400 €Ask us

All the ports are offered over monomode fiber.

Multiple ports of the same speed and location can be bundled together.

  1. The first 1G port is free of charge. ↩︎


If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us:

An e-mail address is required.